The website of ukas Web Design (2011)
The website of our company, ukas Web Design, is the 2011 version.

Creation of a website for the company “Мособлгаз” (Moscow Regional Gas Company)
JSC "Mosoblgaz" offers a full range of services related to the gasification of facilities. The company is an active participant in the Government Program of the Moscow Region "Gasification of Rural Settlements in the Moscow Region" in terms of construction and reconstruction of municipal boiler houses in the Moscow Region by converting them to natural gas.

Creating a website for the company “Trading Club KAPITAL”
The Trading Club "KAPITAL" collaborates with numerous banking and financial institutions and participates in various events organized by financial organizations, associations, and other organizations in Russia, CIS countries, the Baltic states, and overseas.

Creating a website for LLC “Satellite”
The company provides services in the field of railway and road freight transportation across regions of Russia, the CIS, and Europe.

Website development for the company “IZObara” (2007)
The first website of the company IZObara. The website was created in 2007.

Development and maintenance of a website for “Delta-T” company
Creating a website for a company specializing in the supply and servicing of heating gas equipment from leading Italian and German brands.

Interactive mini-site for Salomon company
The mini-site showcases the design of snowboards to visitors and allows them to choose a model, examine it in detail, or save it for a more thorough review. The mini-site utilizes various animation features of Flash, including smooth accelerations and transitions between frames, to present the elements in a favourable light.