Website development for the company “IZObara” (2007)

The first website of the company IZObara. The website was created in 2007.

Website design development for TD “Skat” (JSC “MPZ”).

Skat Trading House is the retail division of Moscow Spotlight Factory (MPZ). As part of the collaboration with MPZ, website redesign work was carried out for

Design of advertising modules for print publications

Design development of advertising modules for Delta-T company.

Sarigas leaflet

Design and layout of the SARIgas brochure

Design and layout of the brochure and user manuals for the series of wall-mounted boilers, commissioned by the Italian manufacturer of heating equipment, SARIgas.

Design of the catalog and CD for the company “Delta-T”

Design and production of a full-colour product catalogue and CD with technical materials for Delta-T company.

Development of an interface for TSBP (2003)

Development of a user interface for the client side of the "Telecommunication System for Business Partnership" software suite.

Interactive mini-site for Salomon company

The mini-site showcases the design of snowboards to visitors and allows them to choose a model, examine it in detail, or save it for a more thorough review. The mini-site utilizes various animation features of Flash, including smooth accelerations and transitions between frames, to present the elements in a favourable light.

Animated banners for Adidas

We have created animated flash banners for the title page in Russia. We helped to get the advantage of this technology in the early era static web sites.